Somluk Pantiboon

Member since


Bachelor degree in Ceramin,Faculty of industrial design, Rajamangala Institute of Technology (Payap Campus), Chiang Mai

Home Town/Country
Chiang Rai Thailand

Work Town/Country
Chiang Rai Thailand

Career Highlights
Nitten Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo

Flether Challenge Award Exhibition, Auckland Museum, Auckland, New Zealand
National Ceramics Exhibition, Bangkok
Asian Arts And Crafts Exhibition, Fukuoka Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan


สมลักษณ์ ปันติบุญ

When we thinking about the color of clay. We may only think about brown. But in fact, The clay has an in nite variety of colors. As a source of a wide variety of natural minerals. Soil provides many services and many products. The plants that are grown in soil and clay can be used for food clay can use for building homes, making medicines, utensils, vessels, and even doing art. Somlak Pantiboon is an artist who has used clay to create his works of art for a long time. 

In addition to making art from clay in the form of pottery. Somlak also uses the colors of the clay that he has touched and seen throughout his career. To convey as abstract painting, bright colors, bright but hidden with the warmth of the land, yet Somlak defined his work as realism related to local cultures both ideas and materials. 

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